Shifting futures, transforming disciples and helping others.

The people of Honduras are near to our hearts. We believe that the Lord wants to SHIFT their future from poverty and hopelessness to a future in Christ where they can rise above their circumstances to fully walk into His marvelous light. What if it could start with giving a child housing, education, and spiritual direction?

Shift Missions is fulfilling the Great Commission by sharing the love of Jesus with all we serve in Honduras - the people in need, those with disabilities, the widows, and orphans. It is the organization’s prayer to physically and emotionally lead them into an identity in Christ. To do this, Shift Missions is faithfully walking beside the people in Honduras in order to disciple, transform and educate them.

SHIFT Missions is a 501c3 registered non profit organization.  Your contribution is tax deductible under the laws set forth by the IRS.  SHIFT Missions greatly appreciates your financial support.  We strive to be good stewards of every dollar given to our organization. For more information about how your support is used, please visit our SHIFT Financial Breakdown page. Every dollar you give allows our missionaries to live amongst the people, provide daily discipleship programs, and educational scholarships. 

You can be a significant part of the work that SHIFT Missions is doing in Honduras by donating today.

Support SHIFT

Spiritual Formation

The Shift Missions team connects with young men and women in Honduras to build discipleship relationships that provides accountability, encouragement, and helps them gain a Biblical worldview.

A key component of SHIFT is to provide college scholarships to those we serve. We believe that by providing a college education to those we serve we can begin to break the cycle
of poverty.


Skills Training

SHIFT Missions strives to teach every young adult in the program how to become independent adults. Our missionaries work with each individual in learning many life skills like shopping, driving, and navigating the city.

Get in touch.

We'd love to hear more from you and share with you different ways to partner with us!

